Local Committee

Welcome to the Ward Green website and to our school. We hope the website provides what you need.

This welcome comes from all the colleagues on the Local Committee. It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to Ward Green Primary School on behalf of the entire Local Committee.

The role of the Local Committee is an extremely important one. As committee members we work jointly with staff, management, parents and pupils with the intention to ensure that Ward Green Primary School provides an outstanding education for your child. We also continuously monitor the safety and welfare of the children in our care. The emotional wellbeing and safety of all our children is important to us. We believe that this security will help children thrive and make progress in their learning. We strive to create an open, caring atmosphere where everyone feels valued and wants to achieve.

We are extremely proud of the achievements of our children, in everything that they do, and we are committed to ensure that high standards are maintained in both learning and behaviour. We have high expectations of our children because we want them to achieve and make the most of the opportunities they are offered both whilst with us at school but as they move on throughout life. It is our role to support and encourage the Executive Head teacher, senior management and all staff to ensure each individual pupil can make real progress in their learning as they move through school.

We want the children to remember their experience at school with affection and as a special experience. We will work hard to ensure this happens.

Our job as committee members is to monitor this experience and challenge the school to ensure our expectations and vision for the children is delivered.

We feel privileged to be a part of the Local Committee at Ward Green Primary School and to have an experienced team who work hard to share their expertise to challenge, support and guide the school forward.

We are of course part of a HCAT Multi- Academy Trust. Our vision for the School is shared by the Trust and it supports us in this work. We have a voice in the Trust and can help ensure this shared vision remains in place.

We are always available to discuss matters relating to school and any difficulties you are experiencing. We can be contacted by addressing any correspondence to the address details shown below to the school office or by E Mail at wgps.chair@hcacademytrust.education
Our current committee members are:
S Gallagher (Acting chair of committee)
R Bould (Committee member)
R Lang (Committee member)

Once again, welcome to our school

Local Committee
Ward Green Primary School
Vernon Road
S70 5HJ

Ward Green Primary School: Local Committee


The  Committee members’ principle functions are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction within the School;
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
  • To oversee the financial performance of the School and making sure its money is well spent.

The committee consists of members who have a range of skills and it meets at least once each term or as necessary to conduct its business throughout the academic year. The members of the board, have voting rights on all the committees which they serve.


  • Community: appointed by the Local Committee to represent the community. A community member does not need to have any previous experience or knowledge of education, nor do they need to have children.
  • Parent: elected onto the Local Committee by other parents from the school, and are usually parents of children in attendance at the school.

If you are interested in becoming a committee member for Ward Green Primary School, please click on the here for our School  Procedures.

All our Local Committee members complete a Proforma Register of Business Interests, to declare all beneficial interests which they or any person closely connected with them have with business or other organisations which may have dealings with the school.

Train to teach